Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Bot Pokemon Go Rare Item

Gk usah pake jasa joki cari pokemon , Pake ini aja ni yg mau cari Pokemon Rare
Cara pakainya :
1. Download bot
2. Ekstrak botnya
3. Edit file user.xml , input username sama passnya
4. Buka botnya
5. Buka site http://pokesnipers.com/
6. Masukin nama pokemonnya
7. Masukin letaknya
8. Dapet deh 
yg mau otomatis, buka aja botnya yg 'autosniper' paling atas
Link botnya :
PokeSniper2 1.8
Fixed API rate problem. Fixed autosniping Farfetch'd and Mr.Mime. Added settings <ShowUsernameInTitle> and <CatchEverything> for the autosniper.
PokeSniper2 1.7
Can now choose which Pokemon to catch based on catch list, minimum CP, minimum IV. Added Logging. Bugfixes.
Link Posisi Rare Pokemon : http://pokesnipers.com/

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embaca blog saya, silahkan tinggalkan komentar